Jerry Adel & Company is a broad-based management consulting firm leading critical enterprise transformations to help companies improve and grow. For over 30 years as management consultants, we offer the benefits of objectivity, broad experience, analytical skill, innovation, and full-time attention in our work with clients. We also play vital roles in transmitting an improved understanding of modern managerial knowledge, skills, tools and techniques in helping clients to anticipate and cope with technical and other kinds of change and furthering economic growth by bringing about lasting improvements in their organizations.
Better businesses through innovation and sound business strategy
To deliver business excellence to our clients and help companies excel
Honesty • Integrity • Professionalism
Quality • Creativity • Timeliness
Fill important positions in middle or senior management
Develop information about a markets, industries, competitors
Plan for succession and legacy
Develop value propositions i.e. what do they offer, why do customers deal with them, what is the job to be done by their product or service
Obtain financingImprove communication, resolve conflicts, teach conflict resolution skills
Develop leadership skills
Chair meetings, committees
Solve mysteries
Serve on boards of directors
Define and transform cultures
Build high-performing teams
Integrate acquisitions
Find merger or acquisition candidates and help steer the process
Develop strategies, plans, initiatives and execute
Analyze organizations (people)
Handle terminations/outplacement
Critical positions filled
Improved staff availability, skills and motivation
Transformed culture
Strategic Plan
Goals met/exceeded
Markets and competition better understood
Team relationships and dynamics improved
Competing priorities managed
Financial risk reduced
External forces Identified/managed
Leadership strengthened
Profitable growth achieved
Mysteries solved